Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Before I start blogging about cyber culture I would like to pose a hypothesis.

If by the 2020 we all have daily access to the internet and various new technology making use of it, will we have a different cultural life-style to what we experience in this day and age?

Consider for a moment how we experience and partake in our various cultural lifestyles today.

Will our text lingo progress into a completely different dialect to the point that we wold need an aged linguist to sift through our 'new' language to find any proof that our traditional one even existed?

Additionally, maybe our iPhone accessories on clothes of today, will develop to the point where we only where clothes that accommodate our mobile devices.

After all of this, we should wonder if we'll even need clothes aside from a 'generic overall' since we may be spending all our time in a posturepaedic, 'lazy boy' chair living our cultural lives vi-cariously through avatars online.

These are all futuristic examples but we can use them to demonstrate, on a less extreme scale, how we are rapidly becoming members of a cyber-culture as opposed to our traditional ones.

In the period of running these entries, I shall address all these issues in attempt to provide an informative blog on cyber culture.


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